  • Provides seasonal protection against current flu viruses
  • Increases the body’s ability to fight against invading germs
  • Improves recovery time from common flu symptoms (blocked nose, sneezing, coughing)
  • Discourages secondary complications of the lungs, chest, throat and ears
  • Protects against the flu while traveling or on vacation

What is BaniFlu?

BaniFlu is a safe, non-addictive FDA registered 100% homeopathic formulation of the current year's flu vaccine, combined with 100% homeopathic ingredients known to support immune functioning.

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BaniFlu protects against flu virus and germs without toxic side effects. Taken at the start of winter, or just before international travel, BaniFlu will protect the body against attacks of the flu strain for the current year.

BaniFlu may also be taken at the start of an acute flu infection to improve recovery time and lessen symptoms- all without side effects. It helps the body build up a natural defense by providing a sound platform to support wellness and vitality.

BaniFlu is taken internally and works quickly to support the immune system and to assist the body in its task of fighting invading flu germs. Presented in small dissolvable tablets, BaniFlu is easy to ingest and hassle-free with no artificial colors or preservatives.

Due to its unique homeopathic formulation, BaniFlu may be safely used by all agesincluding small babies and during pregnancy and nursing – providing valuable protection for the whole family!

All Native Remedies homeopathic products and biochemic tissue salts are manufactured in an FDA and GMP registered pharmaceutical facility under the supervision of qualified homeopaths and responsible pharmacists. Individual ingredients are listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS).

A stitch in time…

There are particular times throughout the year when falling victim to coughs, sniffles, sneezes, running noses, fevers, chills, headaches and ‘stuffy’ heads is more likely. Similarly, people who travel on vacation or business may contract the flu virus when they least expect it. And because germs are able to mutate – it makes it hard for our immune system to keep up!

Most germs spread through the air but they are also spread by other means like hands, door handles, or even the faucets of public restrooms. The human body is designed to detect these ‘outsiders’ and the immune system kicks into gear – trying desperately to restore balance.

That’s why we suffer with a running nose and fever – it’s our body’s way of fighting back but doesn’t leave us feeling very good. Also, not everyone’s immune system is strong enough to fight back.

Vaccination against the flu virus is advisable for people at risk as well as those who work with people at high risk. This includes children, the elderly, people with chronic conditions and those who work in the medical field.

Another option is a homeopathic preparation of the current flu virus as a flu vaccine – either together with the conventional vaccination for extra protection (and relief from the side effects of conventional vaccines) or as a standalone option.

It is always advisable to discuss a vaccination with your doctor as benefits need to be weighed up against disadvantages when making the choice of whether or not to be vaccinated.

The natural way

There is a lot that can be done to support your immune system and help it to fight back to help prevent the flu. Drinking 8 glasses of fluid per day to flush out the system, getting enough good quality sleep, eating a healthy diet with adequate quantities of Vitamin C, vegetables and fruit are all important to help your body to restore balance and help to support the immune system.

List Price: $50.95 each
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