A+ TestCalmer
A+ TestCalmer
  • Settles nerves without ‘dulling’ the mind or affecting concentration
  • Supports confidence to maximize study efforts
  • Supports cognitive clarity and focus in the healthy brain
  • Addresses ‘butterflies’ in the stomach before and during tests
A+ TestCalmer has reduced the pre-test (jitters) in my household tremendously… and their grades have even improved! I will be ordering from you again! —Leigh-Ann R.

What is A+ TestCalmer?

A+ TestCalmer is a 100% safe, non-addictive, effective natural remedy formulated by a clinical psychologist for both teenagers and adults.

A+ TestCalmer can be used to soothe common ‘nervous jitters’ and support confidence immediately before and during test taking or exams without sacrificing mental alertness. A+ TestCalmer will not cause drowsiness or adversely affect concentration in any way.

A+ TestCalmer has been used for many years to safely maintain health and systemic balance in the brain and nervous system to help support a positive approach to tests and exams, without side effects.

A+ TestCalmer is of special benefit to students who are natural worriers. A+TestCalmer can make a significant difference, without compromising health or mental clarity.

'Ace' the test

Common ‘butterflies’ and self-doubt before and during times of written or oral speaking, test taking or exams happens to many of us, sometimes in situations where performance really counts.

While it's pretty normal to feel a little nervous and ‘stressed out’ beforehand, for some people, these common ‘jitters’ can sometimes affect performance… even when they are well prepared. This can be very discouraging!

The natural way

Taking a holistic approach to systemic health will inevitably show in your academic success. There are tips to overcome test ‘jitters’ in students.

Staying healthy by exercising regularly, eating nutritious meals and snacks, and getting sufficient sleep will help maintain the health and vitality of your brain and nervous system, allowing you to function at peak performance.

Natural remedies have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to support the healthy functioning of the brain and nervous system and can also help to maintain normal and efficient concentration and focus.

List Price: $52.95 each
Your Price: $41.95 each
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